Kapua Kaizi Gutchen
Is the man behind the oil. Kapua, being his cultural name and Kaizi being his nickname.
Kaizi has been passed the knowledge of making Coconut Oil the traditional way by his Mother. She had in turn been taught by her Grandmother, a native woman from Murray Island (Meriam), Zenadh Kes (Torres Straits Islands).
Kaizi appreciates and embraces much of his traditional ways. Sharing knowledge of traditional foods is a passion and he believes that these foods have given him a strong physical constitution towards his 'way of being'. Coconut and all it's uses are strongly featured in Torres Strait Island cooking and through its use, Islanders understand why they consider it precious.
Is the man behind the oil. Kapua, being his cultural name and Kaizi being his nickname.
Kaizi has been passed the knowledge of making Coconut Oil the traditional way by his Mother. She had in turn been taught by her Grandmother, a native woman from Murray Island (Meriam), Zenadh Kes (Torres Straits Islands).
Kaizi appreciates and embraces much of his traditional ways. Sharing knowledge of traditional foods is a passion and he believes that these foods have given him a strong physical constitution towards his 'way of being'. Coconut and all it's uses are strongly featured in Torres Strait Island cooking and through its use, Islanders understand why they consider it precious.
Kaizi initially started selling coconuts in a local market. With enquiries regarding oil distribution, he decided to increase & build on the oil production which would later become a small family business. The products were successfully launched through the beautiful beach side market of Port Douglas and the Original Kuranda Markets nestled in the rainforest behind Cairns.
Kaizi recognises the invaluable advice and assistance given through the Regional Indigenous Development Program during the early inception of the business. He also acknowledges the support offered by family, friends and customers which continue the sharing of knowledge coconut oil has to offer to our health & wellbeing. His visions continue to fuel self governance & reliance for himself and his family.